Is unhappiness always a bad thing??

Is unhappiness always a bad thing????

Read this question while teaching a topic in the class..and it almost instantly asked me to pause and ponder over this again!

Well, Yes!, For sure! Truly! Without a doubt !Needless to ask this! are the most obvious answers which run and sweep our minds after coming across this question.

But, then I thought why is it so always.....that we believe unhappiness is a bad feeling, is a sign of non-contentment, is yearn for something more and new !! Why do we treat this feeling in a harsh away and want to get rid of it in whichever means we can? Why it is looked upon as ill-omen-ed in our society??

May be our understanding of what this 'Unhappiness' is actually needs to be updated (rightfully!). I feel unhappiness actually paves way to happiness in one or the other sense. Only when we are unhappy, we realize the mistakes done by us. We count the shortcomings we had at our first step. We catch hold of  us our wrong deeds, misunderstandings and above all - about the demons residing inside us. For instance, our laziness of picking that call, writing an email, submitting the project on time would have not have costed us the happiness . And that is the time we realize how Unhappiness in real terms help us in recuperate from the loss and stand up again!!!

Lets end up saying that 'All that ends well is well, and if it is not well its not the end. Something better is certainly waiting at the other shore of it!


  1. Unhappiness is a state where we are not in harmony with world around us. And we should try to avoid the inharmonious situation but being happy. I somehow do not agree with this statement: Only when we are unhappy, we realize the mistakes done by us. The cognizance of errors has nothing to do with state of being but with state of understanding.

    Being happy is a state of understanding and people who achieve that see a different tangent where an average mind gets bewildered.


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