Another Blot of Shame on India!!

Incredible India! Really?

This is a country where our politicians can get away with mindless, hurtful comments, but citizens can get arrested for merely ‘ liking’ a post on Facebook, that wasn’t even defamatory. So, what were those two girls arrested for? For violating the ‘ Government Knows Best’ Act, like Homer Simpson from ‘ The Simpsons’ did? I am sure there isn’t such an Act in Indian law books, but it is frequently upheld. So much for freedom of expression! 
Welcome t o ‘ Incredible India’, where ensuring human rights of the accused is more important than getting justice for a victim. Here, action is taken pronto, but not against the criminals. It was taken against those who came out to protest against the Delhi rape incident, which is their constitutional right.

Would the state’s reaction have been this callous, had it been the death of a celebrity? 

For the criminals who did not display an iota of remorse, even the death penalty will not suffice because they have already succeeded in brutally snuffing out a life. Will hanging the culprits bring her back?
Even the most gruesome incidents just become ‘ minor political issues’, forgotten with time. But this time, we’re hurt too deeply to forget, because for us, this is more than just momentary grief.

This is the loss, of a wonderful girl, who fought until she succumbed. 

I’m sure she was much braver than our so- called ‘ leaders’ can ever be, because she lived like an ordinary human being in our unsafe environment which our netas will never sample, thanks to their security cover. Our female politicians cannot understand the gravity of the situation, because they aren’t common citizens. Can they dare to move out without their security guards? The answer, sadly, is no. But for all those who have to, it’s a harsh life.

Politicians come out with long, well- rehearsed speeches, promising stringent action but do nothing concrete. The power that we have given them is abused badly. The least they can do is be answerable to us, which they aren’t.

Kudos to the Delhi Police, for forcing the girl to recall and record the ghastly incident not once, but twice. How much more evidence do they need? The Delhi Metro was shut down indefinitely, to ‘ save’ the law and order situation in India. Where is this ‘ law and order’ when the women in the country are humiliated and brutalized? The 1.2 billion citizens of India are witness to the insensitivity of the men in khaki.

What about those ‘ honorable’ decision- makers, who went against medical advice and chose to send the victim to Singapore, to wash their hands off the matter? ‘ Theek hai’? It’s probably okay, for you, Sir, but not for us because our safety is threatened by your indifference.

Equality before the law is our basic right. Can we bank upon it, when we see politicians accused of violent crime going Scot- free and later squandering the tax- payer’s money?
This is not the ‘ heaven of freedom’ that Rabindranath Tagore dreamed of. We want freedom from the atrocities that we encounter daily. Is that too much to ask?

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