"Do unto others as you would them have done unto you."

Karma is the great law of "cause and effect", of "action and reaction", which controls the destiny of all living entities.

While the law of physics applies to the interaction of material objects only, the law of karma however, applies to any action performed by living entities and governs the interrelations of all living beings. 

The law of karma states, that every action performed in life creates another reaction which in turn produces a new counter action. 

Thus an endless chain of actions and reactions is produced which binds the living entity to his good and bad deeds. 

This is the way how karma works. 
It creates an action and another reaction simultaneously and this increases the chain of material activities, keeping the performer in material bondage.
From one life to the next, and from one cosmic creation to the next, the living entity makes a determination to act in a certain way, and then he is entangled in the reactions to his work. After giving up one body, he enters another, and usually he forgets everything about his previous life

The universal law of karma is also explained in the holy Bible which we know by the statement: "as ye sow, so also shall ye reap". sTherefore Lord Jesus Christ says: "Do unto others as you would them have done unto you."

The principle of Karma is that for the good actions one performs one receives good reactions, and if one inflicts pain or violence on others, one will suffer equal violence either in this life or the next.

This is also confirmed in the Bible by the statement: "An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, life for a life". For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

The law of karma states that everything which happens in our lives is nothing but the reaction of our past activities. 

There is, in fact, no such thing as an accident. Everything that happens to us happens by the cause and effect and not by chance. 
