A nice story to depict how wavering a human mind can be! We always tend to look backward instead to look forward and identify an underlying opportunity. Just as was said by Late Steve Jobs also, Life can only be well read if the looked forward instead of backward! 

Courtesy - Story of the week by Sanjay Tandon. 

A Maharaja went out to sea when a great storm arose. One of the slaves on board began to cry out and wail in fear, for the man had never been on a ship before. His crying was so loud and so prolonged that everyone on board began to get annoyed and the Maharaja gave orders for throwing the man overboard.

But his Chief advisor who was a sage said, “No, let me deal with the man. I think I can cure him.”

With that he ordered some of the sailors to hurl the man into the sea. The moment he found himself in the sea the poor slave began to scream in terror and to thrash out wildly. In a few seconds the sage ordered him to be hauled on board.

Back on board the slave lay in a corner in absolute silence. When the Maharaja asked his advisor for the reason, he replied, “We never realize how lucky we are till our situation gets worse.”
