Heights of Insensitivity!!

Every now and then, each one of us, faces this!! Face insensitivity!.....Lets face this now again

Fortunately (rather unfortunately) I have been through such situations when you meet people with cold shoulder towards you. To make the matters worst, they behave so when you least expected. Somehow or the other, it certainly gives us a chance to delve deep into the kind of relationship we share with them or review the current wavelength that exists.

Well in my opinion, being selfish and insensitive goes hand in hand. These are those kind of species (so to say) who are mean, selfish and self-centered to their core. People tend to become selfish for their own good, self -interest and at times even to settle their vengeance. But, sadly enough, one can turn out to be a insensitive I think even a person who is otherwise not selfish enough can turn out to be insensitive towards you , if the situation demands.

There are no set methods to deal with such people. Here are a couple of things to think about:

First , look at the things from their perspective. I am going to give people the benefit of the doubt and suggest to you that their responses come from ignorance or fear.

Which would be worse, shutting them out or putting up with them ??
