A 'Toast' to life ...Cheers!!

Last evening, I randomly caught the sight of an infant being tossed gently in the air by his parents......Up, Up and higher in the sky!

The gesture seemed to be very obvious and loving at first owing its genesis to parental love ^-^

Somehow, I wonder what this meant for a child ......To me, A child:

  • Grins, laughs, giggles and then eventually bursts into laughter with all his heart out... 
  • Happily leaves the abode of caring and nurturing arms of his parents...
  • Scales the heights of horizon with his teeny weeny hands and feet .....all on the basis of his unconditional faith in his carrier...
  • Takes a flight to cover unimaginable distances at the helm of his guardian...
  • Soars at an Unstoppable speed...
  • Never wanting to return back and re-unite with the protected environment anytime soon... 
  • Ridicules and mocks @ the 'Law of gravity'...
  • Experiences the same 'Floating State' from where he originated.. .
  • Foresees the same 'Floating State' that awaits him as a mortal somewhere in future...
  • Experiences 'Adrenalin rush' even before he learns to pronounce/spell  it....  
  • Poses as a source of entertainment for the onlookers..
  • Fosters and evokes the feeling of parenthood in many others...
  • Signifies the pleasure of being out of worldly bondage and servitude...
  • Implies the charm of surrendering oneself into the hands of others completely ...
  • Reflects the pleasure of being 'HIGH' without any external stimulation (as in the case of drugs)...
  • Depicts the contentment one derives when out from the material world and its cage...
  • Illustrates the joy of giving back to our origins, our parents, unconditionally, over and over again...
  • Shows the absence and complete ignorance towards the fear of death or failure...
  • Symbolizes the yearning of falling back in the arms of the loved ones...
  • Laughs with teeth wide open... 
  • Becomes a bundle of joy and gratification for parents...
  • Realizes the value of being a reason of someone's happiness and joy...
and above all....A child realizes the unconditional and undying love of his parents........
