There's more fruit in rich man's SHAMPOO than in a poor man's PLATE :((

"Help him learn how to chop an onion Before someone teaches him how to chop a Head" An advt. by Delhi Police.

What a striking and enlightening contrast these pictures bring forth!!!

They could be disturbing and perplexing for some, but, I suggest you to not use your discretion before viewing them at all because these pictures disagreeably draw our attention to the much ignored and gloomy state of Indian economy and it's affairs!!

These pictures never fail to rattle a tender human heart, to my opinion. The sight of poor street children wandering around and toiling for thrown away food, invariably, generates a sudden gush of pain and agony in the hearts of one and all. After years of upbringing in the shade of pauperism, impoverishment, dearth and hunger these children eventually find solace in the vicious circle of 'Crime & delinquency'. Resultantly, they adopt the approach of snatching things away from society and its drivers instead of living on their mercy and sympathy.

But, the million dollar question is: Where actually lies the genesis and origin of this hunger??? Can we hold any of the following responsible for its inception? 

  • Our Government's inefficiency to satisfy food requirements of the country 
  • Ineffective Public distribution System
  • Economic divide or disparity
  • Insensitivity towards our OWN conscience
Needless to say, many of you will vote in the favor of all the above mentioned points. And, this further pops up another question in my mind: 
Is surviving on the left-overs of the 'Gratified' the sole motive of the downtrodden and the destitute???
Following this, my bruised soul finds its answer in the widely accepted maxim which says 'Eat to live and not just live to eat'. And, contrastingly enough, deep inside, I seriously feel that this again holds assorted meaning for the RAGS and the RICHES!!!

How could I forget to mention the hue & cry raised over a 'Fund-raising advertisement' by Delhi Police lately??

The advertisement portrayed a vulnerable street child in a very insensitive manner. The jargon this advertisement used was "Help him learn how to chop an onion. Before, someone teaches him how to chop a head"

This attempt by the government speaks million words in itself!!!!
