An (Un)conventional choice!!

Leading a life that embodies and displays your self-created values and also embalm your soul is a rare achievement for any mortal on this earth, I suppose!

Today’s times, which effortlessly promote pompous show-off and excess as the good life or highly-coveted life, a person who is happy doing his own work is usually considered someone who is unconventional and has slightly different behavior or views about any given situation. 

One who decides to take up an undemanding or so called not so popular and accepted job, because it allows him enough and quality time for his hobbies and other interests is considered a fat ass!!!! He easily earns himself and image in the eyes of the society which is bogus, sham and insensate!!

A person who chooses to abandon a flourishing career just to accommodate the demand of baby sitting back at home or to raise ailing parents is considered not to be living up to his potential — as if a job title and salary are the sole measure of human worth.

You’ll be told in a hundred ways, given reasons, manipulated, and if you are (un)fortunate enough: you will be influenced too, to keep climbing your professional ladder of success , and never be satisfied with where you are, who you are, and what you’re doing, no matter what. There are a million ways to sell yourself out, and I guarantee you’ll hear about them. 

To take ones stand firmly against all the odds is not easy, but not to forget, that it is still allowed!! And, I think bearing arms against the stumbling block is worth the trouble."
