Women (The Partners-in-Crime), It's all YOUR fault !!

It was like any other Tuesday night and we all were having our dinner in silence. As usual. Like any other household, the customary habit of browsing TV channels was ON. It made its way through various Cookery channels, sports channels, Gossip shows, Music channels and then finally we landed on NDTV news. And that was when every morsel of food starting gob-smacking me to the core !!!!

And with uncountable goosebumps and utter anguish, here I was. Watching this story on Television which talked about a lady who was attacked inside an ATM Kiosk in Banglore. The whole footage was enough to steal my peace of mind for the rest of the night. It left a severe chill down my spine.

Immediately I was Tele-ported into the shoes of that lady who kept struggling with life for 3 hours inside that bloody ATM. All Thanks to a raw (and untouched and unedited) footage showed by NDTV news channel at Prime-time. 

The ghory video-footage shared on a News-Channel was enough to rattle my mind. The flow of events (video was hardly 4 mins. long) forced me literally to imagine myself also facing such an insensitive and unfortunate situation one day. Specially, when I roam around the streets of my city absolutely unarmed . We have never imagined incidents of such types to happen to us any which ways. 

Tailing this was another horrifying incident in Chennai, where a Female PDS employee was attacked and robbed of her gold ornaments in the same (Banglore ATM Kiosk incident) aka Rajnikanth Style! 
The robbers without much of an effort barged in, pulled down the shutter, brandished a knife, warned her against raising an alarm and pressed her mouth, suffocated her and very conveniently stole away her bangles and other gold ornaments. They never forgot to slash her earlobes hard enough that she fainted and was rescued only 2 hours later.

Here I wish to refer to a Short-film that is doing rounds these days on Social media -It's my fault (By Kalki Koechlin and Juhi Pandey on Youtube), It's my Fault!. Sarcastically, women ARE undoubtedly responsible for such a treatment towards them!

These two incidents piqued my interest and urged me for some Brain-Storming. Here is the list of questions, which I pondered over.
  1. Aren't such ghastly incidents the by-products of a rotten mindset or a starved soul??
  2. Is it the influence of drugs for turning a man into a beast?
  3. Is it the disgruntlement of a debt-ridden youth who is struck under the piles of age old debt ??
  4. Any Quality check on the well-being of these ATM-Kiosks which are mushrooming the cities these days?
  5. How come no none from the Bank never happened to visit the Kiosk till 3 hours?
  6. How can a person be so insensitive, ruthless while attacking an unarmed person?
  7. Aren't we responsible again for this misfortune?
  8. Can any amount of laws ever stop violence against women as much as overhaul in the mindsets of men will??
  9. Aren't we responsible to make men lusting after us?
  10. Aren't we to be blamed for shocking abuse at homes also? The maids, ladies, girls, mother all are the partners-in-Crime
What do you think, Isn't it the fault of WOMEN again??
