"Submission to the Macrocosm" - The Daily Post, May 7th' 2014

*We love & hate *We praise and be Jealous *We admire and criticize *We show and hide *We conceal and disclose. Yet, we are Incomplete. This is life. Till eternity!

A quick fix?? "Submission to the Macrocosm" 

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Submission to the Macrocosm!

The chitter-chatter of seasonal birds at the crack of dawn, yogic chants at the nearby park, cyclists and joggers out on the run and our sun-kissed metabolism all embark the arrival of a much-awaited season after the solstice. Yes, summers are here! The torrid paraphernalia has finally set in after bidding farewell to winters.  Hereafter, the protocol of our Mother Nature will resort back to its age-old conduct again. The same cold breeze that used to send chill down your spines earlier would reverberate our souls now. We won’t relish and yearn for uninterrupted rounds of tea or coffee with our loved ones anymore, however, will leap out at the idea of a long evening stroll in the lap of nature to revitalize ourselves. We all will crave to skid and glide into hibernation during siesta as our bodies will welcome this climatic change.

The whole metamorphosis would happen at its own pace. Unlike winters, we would gladly flutter our wings to spring up from the state of dormancy and slothfulness with full vigor. We will no longer be wandering like zombies and will be able to fall out from our beds almost effortlessly at the cuckoo’s call. Juggling our daily schedule will be easier as the days will be longer and nights shorter. We will love the stillness of afternoons, buzzing at dusk, the steaming cacophony made by children out on play, street hawkers, badminton rackets, frogs and crickets. All this and much more will keep us alive, attuned and abreast with the life’s stride and its spiritedness.

I often wonder what would have been the God’s “Muse” while conceiving our Mother Nature with its heterogeneous and multifarious hues. How methodically and skillfully could He assimilate the virtues of one’s being in various elements of nature?
Where the trees tutor us how to sway candidly with the motion so as to live the present moment to the fullest, and the mountains indoctrinate the strength of commitment and determination. Where the apportionment of nature’s Food chain specifies the destination of every morsel on earth, and natural disasters like famine and flood possess the might of its stray and digress. Where age bestows us with skill and experience, and industrial science and passage of time confer us to be obsolete and out-fashioned. Where the tenacious and hard-willed spider professes constant struggle and Karma edify the complete surrender to the shows of the Cosmos!

So synchronous, yet so striking!!!

The vicious circle of our humdrum existence recoils from our unending desires, which further hatch into demands that eventually meet a non- gratifying and ceaseless end. Resultantly, we either crave for even more or find faults in what we have got. We resist, twist and deny. More often than not, we are unable to get an eyeful of complimentary values existing around us. Mother Nature that shields and safeguards the whole universe attests the fact of co-existence of odds and alike. Therefore at times, it is wise to let things happen at their own leisure and refrain from discernment.  Lastly, how can we forget what Abraham Lincoln mentioned in his first Presidential speech which was “And this, too, shall pass away”.
