Grateful for the night. The darkness. The rejuvenation. Rebirth.

The night ensures that humans are healed as we drift with oblivious surrender into a world where our waking minds cannot visit. The quiet of the night hastens the travel of our subconscious to various realms and dimensions to fetch answers we need. The darkness coaxes shut our weary eyelids for awhile.. drawing us into a place of safe refuge where we lay down our armaments and armor to slumber deep into the arms of the universe. The night with its darkness is as vital to our survival, as is the day.

The same way, as we journey through life, we are denied vision too far into the future to enable us to do justice to the moments at hand. The tomorrow is as the night, our dreams wrapped in its satin softness. The comforting texture in the black of the night is all we can feel. We gaze upon the stars which reign overhead, which are out shined by the blinding glaze of the sun through the day as if they never existed. These sparkles are our hopes, our imaginings and our wishes.. never apart from us, irrespective of daylight or darkness.

When you are going through the dark times, seize the opportunity to asses your strengths, revisit your forgotten dreams which patiently await your attention and reach out to the quiet, hidden heartbeat of the universe which only your spirit can resonate with.

Our worst times throw the best light on our lives, our situations, our integrity towards ourselves and others ...apart from taking the focus away from the comfort of a secure ground we took for granted, to notice those who step forward so we can lean on them for a bit. Trials segregate friends from so-called friends to cleanse your inventory like nothing else can. You'll walk out into the sunshine... rested, refreshed and ready to enjoy life with those who truly deserve you.

On hindsight, you'll realize that there's no better counsel and guide than one who brings you light despite being the darkness. We all need the comfort of the dark night so that we can wing our way to the bluest of the sky in the morning!

Life-warriors. Look beyond the obvious. Shine on... day or night!

Grateful for the night. The darkness. The rejuvenation. Rebirth.
