Leave behind all resentments and anger for happy life, Neha V

  • 25 Jul 2016
  • Chandigarh
  • Neha V (Inner Voice comprises contributions from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustantimes.com

Don’t tuck messy emotions under clean carpet. Let go!

Every now and then, we go through testing situations in life which leave us in turmoil. Such state of chaos in our lives comes into being courtesy our lack of action, lack of willingness to act or inability to act arising out of situations like overly sensitive relationships, generation gap, bruised self-respect or humility. Eventually, all these situations, which didn’t end or conclude the way we wanted them to, further ferment into resentments. This resentment could be towards situation, people, time, our inabilities or simply our bad luck. As humans, we seek some kind of pleasure in dwelling in our past and imagine would could have, would have or should have been done to make things better. We imaginatively knit threads of things we could have said, done or prevented from happening believing we would still get another chance to amend things of the past. On the hindsight, subconsciously, by doing this, we are simply pleading our release from the gigantic tangles of grudges we hold within ourselves. Noteworthy is the quote ‘Harbor your resentments to be slave’, which disperses so much within its own confines. We forget how resentment towards things that are unchangeable in the present get compounded with every passing time and can become highly inflammable in future. Further, let’s learn the key to slack it off the ground; FORGIVENESS. Practice it to fathom its efficacy and therapeutic powers. It may seem too costly and difficult to afford, but can foster peace of mind and restore hope in humanity and this universe.  

  • 25 Jul 2016
  • Chandigarh
  • Neha V (Inner Voice comprises contributions from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustantimes.com
