‘Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be’ - my contribution in today's copy..

Thanks #HindustanTimes for publishing my entry and giving a head-start to 2017! Folks, it won't hurt to pour-in some feedback:) Happy New Year...

‘Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be’

‘The World and its ways’ occupy a unique definition in everyone’s life. We all live cocooned within these worldly ways guided by societal parameters, inferences and interpretations as best suited to us. ‘To each, his own’ suitably defines co-existence of parallel perceptions. Hence, this illusion, thus acts as a natural cushion to mitigate the potential effects reality can have on us. In both good and bad times, it conveniently lets-in only as much as is bearable or tolerable by one. That’s how one event can be seen affecting people differently. Not only this, such is the mirage effect of this self-created illusion that many of us remain oblivious of our vulnerability to potential dangers that lurk around the corners till long. All it takes for majority of us to jolt back to reality is a spiteful bite by something unwanted, unexpected or undesired. Though in current times, exposure to newer ways of technology, social media and suchlike have sensitised people to be more watchful and alert towards various social issues but still imagining one falling prey to such menaces and reasoning with them is still unimaginable for a lot of us. It seems convenient and real to find this happening with others, except us.
In other words, sympathising, consoling, condemning, despising, and ‘feeling’ for someone is easier than coming to terms with reality. Here comes an age-tested adage to use; ‘Facing the reality or fear of it, is more realistic than anything else’. One should curb the habit of sweeping everything under the carpet much before it becomes palpable or inevitable. Taking steps towards reality is half-won struggle and bridging all hurdles is a panoramic victory.
