‘Lights, camera, action and our internal monologue’

Life, as we all know of it, is a live theatre of performing arts. The people we meet during various stages of life are the co-performers, our day-to-day humdrum is the background music, stages of life are the twists and the plot is forever unknown and unpredictable. We, the central character of our own play, carry out the orders as directed, play our roles, however meek or flamboyant they are despite of knowing the fragility or life and impermanence of our existence. We deal with the milestones and steps, one at a time. Given all this, we still carry the burden of expectations; world’s, family’s, society’s on our shoulders and allow ourselves be constantly belittled by them.

The universal fetish to put our best foot forward in an attempt to seek familial and social acceptance is quite ingrained in our systems and total obedience to this is highly revered to gain a respectful position in the society. Knowing that the theatre is short-lived and so are our roles in the same; we still jostle to get a little more limelight, some more space on the stage, handful of more dialogues, shinier and brighter costumes and much more. All this happens as a course of nature. We all are busy doing our daily chores, dealing with different people, getting hurt and hurting others, getting served and serving others, smiling and being smiled at, pointing fingers at others and being pointed at; everything happens and we find ourselves orchestrating willingly or unwillingly as per some sort of cosmic instructions. But hasn’t life caught all of us unaware and unguarded at least once out of the blue with those ‘Oh, did I really do this?’ ‘Was it really me?’ ‘Oh, what made me do this?’ action moments? Certainly it has! Similarly, do all of us not get baffled at times with our own acts of bravery, morality, honesty and humility? We all do! What triggers all this? What is rather more pertinent to know is whether this arises out of sufficiency or insufficiency of something.

Similar to an artwork, the muse behind our actions is that ‘internal monologue or self-talk ’ within us; the one that plays incessantly in our sub consciousness and directs our actions, reaction, emotions and feelings. It not only alters our perception of reality but also dominates our handling abilities. The dialogue whose power is insurmountable as it is known to have moved mountains, dried oceans, made mountain passes crossable and, has almost turned everything impossible into I-am-possible.

The dialogue which is also termed as contemplation, self-introspection, self-reflection, gazing, dreaming, reverie, pondering and much more, is priceless as it offers us an insight into our inner realms of life and potential. Different people have different strokes. While leading lives that are so mechanized due to mounting pressure to remain relevant and not missing out anything that’s important, it usually takes a hobby to let the seeds of that ‘silent talk’ within ourselves to germinate. Only a hobby or passion is something that has the power to teleport oneself to reigns unknown. Some let this happen by travelling to less-treaded places alone, exercising their muscles out and remaining fit, cooking exotic dishes for family with love, watering and pruning their wildflowers, by strolling on bustling streets during sunset or by spending time in silence. The stimulus could be any, but the climax is same for one and all. This internal dialogue completes us, answers our questions, enlightens us about the future path, and above all rewards us for looking inside and appreciating our being.
This new year, let’s pledge to pledge more of our day-to-day time to this internal monologue.
