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Here's a catch:)

Shout out to all those latch-key kids who had the best catch of their alone time being unsupervised!

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‘Lights, camera, action and our internal monologue’

Santa at his job:)

'Embarking on a word-tour, if not on a World-tour!'

To age like an old wine...

Lost in the wilderness one fine day...

Burdened spine!

I learn my wings are on fire...

No wonder, why rest everything is mere 'Sugar & Spice'

'Only a rat knows tricks to win this rat-race!'

‘Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be’ - my contribution in today's copy..

'Sober and vegetarian but certainly not boring!’, Hindustan Times, 08.11.2016

The love of the heart for gloom🌸

When grief is just a click away!

'World and joy of its guilty pleasures', today's HT editorial..

I rekindled my desire to be a child again...

The roads less traveled, they often say, Are the ones, which often slay!

Who cares, Who bothers, We flutter, We wither

An ungodly clock's strike, a spiteful sight, an expected turn

Coz, heart of a wanderer, soul of a gypsy, is and will remain forever parched!

Leave behind all resentments and anger for happy life, Neha V

Finding it insufferable? Blinkers on, pain gone! - Editorial contribution in today's # HT

'Jolted out of Sunday siesta by earthly burp', my middle entry in today's HT... Ok, people! Shoot! Be a sweet Critic!!!

Not enjoyable. But yes, by far, the most memorable Birthday!

Plants and camaraderie, The Daily Post, 25/12/2015